10 January 2011

What lies beyond Ohio

It's day one and I really don't know what to think of it. Yesterday I headed for London thinking my camera was gone, but really it was just hidden in my bag. That made me feel like an idiot.

I was really worried that my ride wouldn't remember to pick me up Heathrow, but they happily remembered. Once I arrived at Roehampton I collected my key to my dorm, which is, to say the least, 'interesting.' I dragged my bag up three floors and managed to find my room. I still don't know where to pick up the linens I ordered, but I'll sort that out in the morning. The school provided me with new sheets that look like they belong in a 1980's Miami hotel. The room itself isn't bad, it's just the bathroom that bothers me. I went to take a shower and discovered the bathroom merely has a bath with no shower. I thought that was odd so I looked around and finally found a shower. For some reason, it just wouldn't work and there was painfully hot water dripping from the shower head. I couldn't deal with it (my hands were starting to throb and I didn't want to look like I had the plague) so I opted for the bath. It was more-so of a sponge bath with me trying to wash my hair without burning my scalp. I had two options: freezing or burning, so I took freezing. It did the job, but it was awful. After whatever you'd like to call that, I went to my room to watch Top Gear. People on my floor began knocking at my door to meet me. I had never in my life met someone who would be jealous of me for living in Ohio. It's really nothing special unless you're a farmer or have no desire to see what lies beyond the Ohio boarder (There really are people like that).

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